

Product Information

No.HS10 (Hold down clamp (Vertical Handle))

CAD data
Model Number No.HS10
Weight 20g
Holding Capacity 0.2kN(20kgf)
Material Steel(SPCC)
Mounting Method Flange Base
Surface finish Trivalent Chromate

●Feature and Application
A toggle clamp is designed to hold a workpiece by one-action operation after initial setting.
It is easy to introduce and low cost compare with air or hydraulic.
Optimal for repetitive work.
For inspection, welding, assembly, machining and press fit.
You can use for woodworking and DIY.
The holding capacity is for reference. Max. value is by using hex bolt.
The holding capacity will decrease toward the tip of clamp arm.
Do not give the shock, vibration and internal pressure which causes a failure.
Caution to pinch the fingers.

Instruction - Toggle Clamp


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